Welcoming Wes Ross-Taylor
In last month’s newsletter I reported that Wes Ross-Taylor felt very honoured to be the OCNZ Patron so the committee thought it would be a good idea to tell you a bit about him. Firstly, Wes likes to be known as Ross. Ross says the only people who call him Wes is the IRD!
Let’s go back to 1972; Ross was a founding member of The Golden Coast Orchid Society later to be known as the Kapiti Coast Orchid Society becoming President in 1976. He was elected to OCNZ as the second President after Tom French. Ross was Chairman of the organising committee for the 2nd International Show held at the Wellington Show Grounds in 1985. While farming in Otaki Ross became involved with South Pacific Orchids after entertaining Paul Grip & Kathy Black, adding his large collection of mixed genera to the South Pacific Orchids collection.
Ross is a long-time member of the Hawkes Bay Orchid Society and latterly Patron of Hawkes Bay & Wairoa Orchid Societies. He was an accredited orchid judge for many years and the recipient of the 1984 John Easton Award. Ross says if he had his life again he would milk cows until he reached 50 then grow flowers for the next 20 years.
John Easton Award
A reminder from the Hawkes Bay Orchid Society that nominations for the 2018 John Easton Award close on August 8. This award recognises an individual’s outstanding contribution to the promotion and cultivation of orchids in New Zealand. If there is someone in your society you feel is worthy of this award please get your nomination in to Christine Irwin.
Miltoniopsis in NZ
This is a new newsletter produced by Alan Locke and Allan Watson. The first issue was circulated in June with the next issue scheduled for September 1. Alan reported that there has been an increased interest in Miltoniopsis in recent times and that there appeared to be a need for a newsletter to complement the NZ Miltoniopsis Facebook page which Allan Watson started this year. Anyone wishing to receive the next issue or wants more information can email Alan Locke.
From the Webmaster
A reminder to all societies that is it your responsibility to notify council of any changes in your society details that should be updated on the OCNZ website. This includes show dates, show contact name,officers, postal/email addresses etc. Please email updated information to the webmaster.
2019 National Orchid Expo: September 19-22
To be hosted by Manawatu and Hawkes Bay societies at FlyPalmy Arena (formerly Arena Manawatu). It is not too early to start planning your participation! Organisers will soon be seeking societies’ interest in mounting displays and sponsoring prizes. Palmerston North accommodation can be heavily booked at times – so be an early bird! Further information will be made available in the Expo Newsletters. The organising committee can be contacted by email.
– Glenys MacRae, newsletter editor